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  • Tuesday, 25 July 2017

    Foods To Help Lower Anxiety


    Anxiety is a common disorder characterised by nervousness and constant worry. It is often related to poor brain health and medication is often required for treatment. Medication aside, there are other methods to use in reducing anxiety symptoms like deep breathing, yoga, exercising etc. You could also eat some foods to help lower the severity of your symptoms. Here are some of these foods to help you.

    1. Salmon

    Salmon contains several nutrients that can promote brain health including vitamin D and some types of omega-3 fatty acids – eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA). These help regulate dopamine and serotonin levels which give you a calm and relaxed feeling. They also help reduce inflammation and prevent damage to brain cells which may cause the development of mental disorders like anxiety. Vitamin D also has a calming effect on these neurotransmitters.

    2. Chamomile

    Chamomile contains high amounts of several antioxidants which have been proven to help in reducing inflammation, which helps prevent the brain cell damage that may cause anxiety. In one study, patients with generalized anxiety disorder experienced a reduction in symptoms after consuming chamomile extract.

    3. Turmeric

    Turmeric contains curcumin which can help promote brain health and prevent anxiety disorders. Curcumin also has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties that can prevent damage to cells. Curcumin also increases blood antioxidant levels which is often low in people with anxiety.

    4. Dark Chocolate

    Flavonols in dark chocolate are also antioxidants which help boost brain function. This is achieved throuhgh improved blood flow to the brain, helping it to adapt to environmental changes which may cause you to get anxious or other mood disorders. The taste of dark chocolate can also be comforting.

    5. Yogurt

    Yogurts contain probiotics which can contribute to your well being and mental health. It helps inhibit free radicals and neurptoxins which can damage nerve tissues in your brain and cause you to fee anxious.

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