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  • Monday 24 July 2017

    UNBELIEVABLE! This Guy Turns Into 7 Female ‘Game Of Thrones’ Characters Using Only Makeup (With Pictures)

    For Game of Thrones fans, now is a very difficult time. With the recent season just coming to a close, we are basically at the farthest point from a new season that one could ever be. Now, we have long and dark times ahead of us, with nothing to do but imagine what could possibly be about to go down in Westeros. But luckily, while we navigate this darkness, we have things like this to tide us over.
    This young makeup artist has used his talent to fight the pain away, taking his brushes and pigments to a new level by transforming himself into his favoriteGame of Thrones characters. Even better? They’re all women, from feisty Arya to loyal Brienne to the constantly-smirking-and-now-murderous Cersei Lannister. His makeup transformations are truly uncanny, and he’s shared all of them to Instagram for your enjoyment. Check some of them out for yourself below.

    His name is Paolo Ballesteros.

    Although in this photo, you can see that he’s basically Brienne of Tarth, the noble female knight who pledges loyalty to the starks.

    By day, Ballesteros is a TV host and an actor.
    But by night, he transforms himself into Daenerys Targaryen, Queen of the Andals and Mother of Dragons.
    UNBELIEVABLE! This Guy Turns Into 7 Female ‘Game Of Thrones’ Characters Using Only Makeup (With Pictures)

    Basically, this guy is proving that there’s not much that CAN’T be done with makeup.

    This depiction of Arya Stark is terrifyingly precise and accurate.
    UNBELIEVABLE! This Guy Turns Into 7 Female ‘Game Of Thrones’ Characters Using Only Makeup (With Pictures)

    He uses wigs to achieve his looks as well.

    What would Sansa Stark be without that beautiful flowing red hair?
    UNBELIEVABLE! This Guy Turns Into 7 Female ‘Game Of Thrones’ Characters Using Only Makeup (With Pictures)

    He managed to capture to icy eyes of the Red Woman pretty well.

    Seriously, you could get lost in those things — but we don’t recommend you do, because she is a witch afterall.
    UNBELIEVABLE! This Guy Turns Into 7 Female ‘Game Of Thrones’ Characters Using Only Makeup (With Pictures)

    We absolutely love his spot-on interpretation of Margaery Tyrell.dabtvbaseworld.blogspot.com

    Things didn’t go well for Margaery at the end of this season, but at least Ballesteros has figured out a way to preserve her visage for all eternity.
    UNBELIEVABLE! This Guy Turns Into 7 Female ‘Game Of Thrones’ Characters Using Only Makeup (With Pictures)
    This makeup is so terrifyingly accurate, it’s almost hard to believe it’s not Cersei herself. Let’s just hope that Ballesteros doesn’t use this look to, you know, become a mass murderer using ancient pyrotechnics.

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