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  • Wednesday, 2 August 2017

    7 Uncommon ways to make your marriage beautiful




    If you desire a happy marriage, then, this is for you. No doubt, everyone desires a happy marriage but this is not so easy to achieve, but the fact remains that it is possible.
    This would require you to work at it, make deliberate efforts and sacrifices. If you have chosen to work on having a happy or beautiful marriage, then this is some of the things you could do to achieve it.

    Communicate always

    The most important way to make your marriage lively and active to maintain good communication skills with your partner. This is the most important thing to do in your relationship, it would help you both connect the more.

    Always consider your spouse

    One way you could enjoy your spouse company is to be considerate of them. Communicate everything with your spouse and consider then when it’s time to make decisions. This would build your trust.

    Pray together

    This would help you and your spouse to connect spiritually. This is a way to boost your relationship, prayers go a long way in improving your relationship.

    Render services

    This would require you to go out of your way to do stuff for your spouse. You know the need of your spouse, show some kindness and help to affectionately meet their needs, this is a way of rendering service to your spouse.


    Go on date

    You could go on regular dates with your spouse, this would help you both bond. You could do this without the kids, give your spouse undivided and be about it.

    Have physical contact

    Make it a point of duty to maintain intimate contact with your spouse, this would warrant you to kiss, cuddle and have fun together. Try as much as possible to enjoy your spouse company whichever way you both deem it feet.

    Do what they love

    We all have different hobbies, you may not really like what your spouse love but you could try to like it just to help you both be on the same page. Loving what your partner loves would help you enjoy each other and bond well.

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