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  • Wednesday, 2 August 2017

    ‘People have insulted me, they call me gay, spoilt brat and mummy’s boy’ - Bukky Wright’s son

    beginnBukky Wright’s son, Ojayy Wright has dropped a piece for those who insult him, and according to him it really hurts. According to the Nollywood actress’ son, those who are hating on him are all doing that because he’s privileged.

    However he went further to disclose that what bothers him is that, the people who are supposed to have his back, are the ones who ignite the insults.

    Here’s what he wrote;

     ‘They have insulted me and my person. They have called me names, from gay to a spoilt brat, even mummy’s boy. They say my own is too much. They don’t wanna give me a chance because of my background. That I am privileged and that is why they hate on and try to block me. You see, the insults n negative vibes thrown at me don’t bother me, I have dealt with it since elementary school. What bothers me though, is that the people that are supposed to have your back are the ones that begin these stories n lies and that shit HURTS’.
    ‘I know I have made a lot of mistakes, and I accept full responsibility and honestly, I am working on myself and learning everyday. I apologize for any of my actions that may have offended anyone directly or indirectly because if you really know me, you will know that I am just a HAPPY CHILD, nothing else. But I won’t apologize for my background or whatever yeye privileges people think I have because This Life is hard for US ALL, NO exception. Shit ain’t always rosey but we still thank God for his grace n mercy over our lives. In other words, I just wanna say a BIG THANK YOU to everyone supporting me and my music right now (cos that’s just all I wanna do, really. I’m not here to fight or drag anything with anyone) From the tv stations to the radio stations, the Dj’s, friends, fans, and people sef! I really appreciate and love you all.’ing

    Bukky Wright's son

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