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  • Monday 24 July 2017

    10 tautological errors even intelligent people make in English


    Tautology is the concept that refers to the repetition of something. In this concept, it deals with the occurrence of two or more words with the same meaning in a sentence.

    When this happens, only one of them would be meaningful and the other one would be made redundant.

    dabtvbaseworld presents you with 10 common ones.

    1) Incorrect: Sola, Stand up.
         Correct: Sola, stand.
         Note: When you ask someone to stand, the person would come up, not go down. Therefore, the “up” after stand is redundant.

    2) Incorrect: The programme started at about 2:00pm.
        Correct: The programme started at 2:00pm.
        Note: Both “At” and “About” are prepositions and therefore cannot co-occur. Only use “About.”

    3) Incorrect: Your notebook is at the extreme end of the table.
        Correct: Your notebook is at the extreme of the table.
        Note: Extreme and end are synonyms, so using the two would be wrong. Just use one.

    4) Incorrect: He did not tell me a reason why he slapped me.
        Correct: He did not tell me why he slapped me.
        Note: Reason and why are synonyms. They should not co-occur in a sentence. Just pick one.

    5) Incorrect: I want to invite you to the night vigil.
        Correct: I want to invite you to the vigil.
        Note: Vigil in this context is the one that takes place at night, so mentioning night is not necessary.

    6) Incorrect: When I called her, she waved her hand to me.
         Correct: When I called her, she waved to me.
         Note: When you want to wave, it is your hand you use, not any other part of your body. Therefore, using “her hand” is not compulsory in that context.

    7) Incorrect: He slapped me, so therefore, I will report him to the police.
        Correct: He slapped me, therefore, I will report him to the police.
         Note: Use just one out of the two.

    8) Incorrect:  I give you four extra more minutes.
         Correct: I give you four more minutes.
         Note: Extra and more refer to the same thing. only one of them to avoid repetition.

    9) Incorrect: The food cannot be sufficient enough for us.
         Correct: The food cannot be enough for us.
         Note: Just use one out of the two. They mean the same thing.

    10) Incorrect: It is a true fact that my husband asked me for a divorce.
         Correct: It is true that my husband asked me for a divorce.
          Note: A fact is always true, so there is no need to put true with it.

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