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  • Monday 24 July 2017

    7 Signs of a successful marriage


    Marriage is not always a bed of roses and the truth of the matter remains that all marriages are not the same. Comparing your marriage with someone else’s may not be very healthy but you need to realise that there are obvious signs anyone would observe if their marriage would be successful.

    Successful Marriages have certain things in common, they include the following:


    Trust is one of the ingredients for a healthy relationship. It is very important, try as much as you can not do things that would make your partner doubt their trust for you. Establish and build trust in your relationship, this would sustain you and your spouse.

    Real love

    Love is not just expressed in words, it reflects in actions. If you and your partner truly love yourselves, your relationship would surely stand the test of time. Hold on to love and see it carry you through a successful relationship.


    Good communication skill is highly important in your relationship. If you and your partner constantly communicate and never secretes from yourselves, it’s a sign that you both would go a very long way together.


    Respect is not demanded, it is earned.There should be mutual respect between you and your partner, If you both respect each other, you are definitely on the right track to a long time relationship.


    Your spouse sure constantly need your support and assistance when they need to get things done.Those moments you spend with her in the kitchen means a lot to her. If you and your partner render assistance to each other, then, you have chances to do that together forever.


    When you prioritise your spouse over other things or other people, there are so many chances of you both sticking to each other for a long time. Your partner should come first and always feel their importance in your life, this is an indication that you both would enjoy each others company for long.


    Marriage should be fun for you both, there are too many strenuous experiences in marriage, you can’t afford to have fun at all in your relationship. Make your spouse laugh, smile and together you would desire to be forever.

    Your relationship can be improved, work on making it what you want to make it and you would be glad you did.
    7 signs of a successful marriage

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