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  • Sunday, 6 August 2017

    10 Things people that are not smart do


    Although being smart, wise or foolish is based on some contexts as they are relative, in this context, those referred to as not smart don’t think thoroughly before they take an action, they don’t know how to make the best situation out of a bad one and they also don’t have the ability to to take as many aspects as possible into consideration before deciding on the future course of action.


    They don’t save!
    Foolish people are not able to handle their finances and save money by avoiding unnecessary expenses. They dwell more on their wants and they always have debts that should have been avoided.

    They dwell on their errors
    They don’t start from the scratch when things go wrong. They keep dwelling on their past which would never make them move forward. This way, they permit their past to hold them back.

    They rely on good luck to solve their problems
    They always hope for the best and prepare for the best. They invest their money on betting and gambling then hope for things to work out themselves. They always pray to be lucky and they rely on it too much so that at the end of the day, it would suffocate them by making them bankrupt.

    They are not careful.
    They talk and act anyhow. In the process, they make strong remarks that can affect them negatively at present and even in the future.

    They loose the opportunity to broaden their experience.
    They don’t take time out to learn skills and broaden their knowledge. They only think about their present and don’t make ongoing endeavors towards progression. They also back off from a good cause.

    They waste the potentials of their gadgets
    Most of them spend their time operating on their social media accounts and receiving calls alone. They don’t know how to use their gadgets to learn new things from the web.

    They like making enemies
    Although no matter how much we try to avoid them, we are always likely to encounter enemies,in the case of those that are not smart, their actions draw them closer as they go ahead to incite redundant conflicts. They allow pride to get in their way when they are supposed to be humble.

    They put all their eggs in a basket
    They invest everything they have on a single idea without having a backup or an alternative. If unfortunately, something bad happens, they would become bankrupt and that would be the end of their success story.

    They neglect important aspect of their business
    They don’t pay attention to details and they don’t learn from their mistakes.

    They look for approval from people
    They give up their ideas just because other people don’t support them. When they are supposed to stand firm, they don’t fight to succeed. When people are not behind them, they would not be able to defend themselves.

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