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  • Sunday, 6 August 2017



    1) Is it true that Igbo men really like money?

    This joke really cracked me up.

    An Igbo man had an accident with his new BMW X6, he called a police officer and said, “This man just smashed off the door of my BMW! My 13 million naira car is now condemned! The police officer shook his head in amazement and said, “You Igbos are so materialistic, you didn’t even realise that your hand was cut off. The Igbo man looked at his amputated hand and screamed, “chinekemee!! Where is my Rolex?

    2) When guys start teasing girls

    I kissed a girl until she was wet. She asked me for sex, but I told her I have not finished my six weeks of male circumcision. Do you know why I did that?

    It is because girls also lie to us and say that they are on their period when they are not.

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