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  • Thursday, 3 August 2017

    Disadvantages of putting a laptop on your lap


    DBBW PROVIDES YOU WITH REASONS WHY YOU NEED TO THINK TWICE BEFORE PLACING                                                           LAPTOP ON YOUR LAP

    As a laptop user, sometimes, you might get tired of typing on the table and would like to bring it closer by putting it on your lap.

    You would need to stop that because when you put the laptop on your legs for prolonged periods, it can harm your skin. In fact, if you take time to look in your manual, you would find wordings to prove that it is dangerous to put it very close to the body.

    Your laptop is very dangerous on your lap. Here are some disadvantages:

    You can develop Toasted Skin Syndrone

    Apart from the fact that it could result in discolored patchy skin, you could develop Toasted Skin Syndrone which doctors have termed, “Laptop-induced dermatosis”. The skin would develop a patch which is mottled and later becomes reticulated erythema leaving pigmentation.

    It is dangerous for the vital organs

    Holding the laptop too close to the body means that the radiation flows directly into the body and into some of the most vital organs. If someone is pregnant, the dangers would be worse.

    The productive health can be at risk

    Repeated skin exposure can also waste tissues and if there is a persistent soreness that does not heal, without a skin biopsy being performed, there could be the possibility of skin cancer.

    Decrease in sperm mortality

    A study evaluating the direct impact of a laptop use on human sperm shows that putting the laptop on the lap can lead to a significant decrease in sperm motility and an increase in sperm DNA fragmentation which is very dangerous for guys.

    Research has also shown that when the laptop is placed on the lap, the sperm might also be damaged through thermal effects.

    It has been linked to Testicular Cancer

    It has been discovered that when you hold your laptop on your lap you radiate your pelvis.

    For pregnant women, it can cause birth defects so pregnant women should take extra precautions.

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